After Meghan's death, no one has been tending the garden. The gnomes gather around the weedy, dessicated plants, but are unable to do anything about it.
Rhys becomes a child, and takes over the bedroom recently occupied by his grandparents. His favorite color is the same as Archer's, so no changes in decor are needed.
Jessica discovers a new hobby.
Mining has produced a large glowing hole in the yard, so Jessica inspects it, and falls in. On her underground adventure, she meets a Grey Warden who warns her away from a darkspawn infested cave.
Alis becomes a child.
Playing tag in the family graveyard after dusk.
Challenge Notes:
Talfryn and Jessica have both achieved their LTWs and have thus officially completed all their goals for their generation.
The legacy is supposed to continue until the gen 11 dies, but my plan was just to go until the gen 11 heir (Rhys) becomes YA. However, now that Gen 10 has met its goals, I'm finding the actual playing of the legacy to be kind of tedious. I can't get too interested in or attached to the kids because I know I won't be playing them as adults.
I did intend to carry on with this legacy and give it a proper wrap up, but as I've moved on to my next legacy, the longer I go without playing this one, the less I feel like loading it. So I can't say for sure when or if this legacy will be updated again.
Here is a link to my new legacy:
Foster Enmity: A Random Legacy