Monday, January 17, 2011

Chapter 13: Private Chateau

Ewan missed Allyson while he was in Egypt, and she missed him. "I want a baby," she tells him as soon as she's in hirms again.
"I was thinking the same thing," Ewan answers.

And so the couple head right upstairs to get started on that baby thing.

Ewan didn't stay home for long. The expedition to China he had been planning since he was in high had been delayed too long, and though he had missions to complete in both France and Egypt, and a pregnant wife in Barnacle Bay, Ewan was not going to be kept from his dream for another day.
To make getting around the rough terrain easier, Ewan bought himself a motorcycle. Much faster than a scooter, and far, far cooler.

Mist wreathed the palace gates,
Incense rose to the dragon towers.
In the shimmering light the silken screen moves,
As the clouds shake the imperial glory spreads.

At last, Ewan approaches the Dragon Cave he had read about and seen in pictures. His mother-in-law had photographed this cave, but had never come this close to it, or dared to enter.

Ewan does not get very far into the cave before he encounters a locked door ha cannot get past. But he has a vision of a mummy fighting an adventurer, which he reports to the scholars at the Academy. The promise to meditate on his vision and get back to him.

In the meantime, they suggest he spar with Biyu Shen, to better improve his skill in the martial arts. Biyu far outranks him and beats him handily, but Ewan learned much from his defeat, and decides to work hard to master this skill.

When the two met
They were both in a fighting mood.
He who had no respect before
Today learnt a sense of proportion.

Ewan went to the Academy to challenge his betters to sparring matches. Six times he was defeated, but with each defeat his skill grew, and eventually he was victorious.

With no word from the Academy about his vision, Ewan returns home to Allyson. She wants a son, but Ewan is hoping for a daughter.

Ewan bought some equipment in Shang Simla to practice martial arts at home.

Needing more time in the public eye, Allyson accepts an invitation to a party that many of the local celebrities will be attending. Her cousin Grace Cross (Spider's daughter), a musician, is there as well a some of Allyson co-workers from the studio. Her sister Roslyn makes an appearance, with her guitar.

Before his child is born, Ewan is off again, to France, to infiltrate the Landgraab Chateau, searching for more information on the Admirals doings. This time, he needs to enter through a side door.

It's a ....really ugly kitchen!

Sometimes when you can't disarm a trap that's between you and your goal...

...You just have to jump over it.

Technically he's just supposed to retrieve some papers, but since he's already breaking and entering, Ewan figures he might as well help himself to whatever he finds along the way.

It's very late when Ewan finally discovers the papers he's looking for in the Admiral's old bedroom, too late to report back to Manon, his employer. So Ewan decides he might as well spend the night in the Chateau. He is, after all, a Landgraab.

After turning in the papers (in which he learns that the Admiral kidnapped Anastasia Necteaux and then fled France after she was rescued by James Vaughn, exactly the kind of behavior that caused Ewan's father to change his name and estrange himself from the Landgraabs) Ewan returned to the Chateau. The quiet old estate is much better base of operations than the noisy hostel in town, and the Admiral kept a large library of books that keeps Ewan entertained in the evenings after spending the days digging around ancient burial sites.

The fridge is still stocked with cereal, bread and jam, and canned soup. Who knows how old it is, but it's still tastier than the dried food Ewan carries in his pack.

Occasionally, tourists and travelers show up to see the Chateau. Ewan informs them that he's disarmed most of the traps, but they should be careful as he might not have gotten them all. That usually clears them out pretty quickly.

Of course if he's going to stay here, he'll have to fix the broken plumbing himself.

Ewan makes it home just in time before the baby is born.

Allyson and Ewan have a boy, Shepard.

Allyson celebrates the birth of her first child with a new outfit.

Challenge Notes:
Quotes are from "Journey to the West", a classic Chinese novel, translated by W.J.F. Jenner.
I'm reading that right now and I think about it a lot while in Sim China.
In the past when I've played WA adventurers, they've been single Sims who focus completely on missions. It's very weird to play one as part of a family, and there is an obvious focus on Ewan to the detriment of all else. But I have to do perfect children this generation, so some focus shifting will be necessary.
The roll for Generation 5 is Single Parent, 2 kids, Political career, with Perfect Career as a goal and Luxury as the misc fun.
I rolled for the heir, and Allyson'sfirst child gets the honor, so Shepard will be the heir. His traits so far are Brave and Excitable. (His father has Excitable, and I try to pass at least a few traits on from the previous generations.)
Though I'm hardly ever home, Allyson is at level 5 of the film career, and she's got one star of celebrity. I did go ahead and give a few stars out to Sims in celebrity careers. No one has 5 stars though, and there is only one or 2 with four. Most are one and two stars. I'm using HP's mod that makes it harder to become a celebrity (I'm using 'medium hard' flavor) so Allyson might not make it to 5 stars. I look forward to seeing if she can.

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